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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2019

Fuck Ice No Borders shirt

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They'd treat you like dirt. Fuck Ice No Borders shirt  I think they would become all depressed for whatever reason and spend shitloads of money on useless shit just to feel a little better for a few days. For people like me it's like buying a new video game I don't need, just so I can distract myself. But for these people instead of video games it's new exotic cars, huge landscaping projects, etc.I've been a boy toy to some rich/professional hottie women and it was awesome. They need someone to show off at corporate events, client dinners, and provide personal service at night. I don't see why women have such a problem with it. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Fuck Ice No Borders shirt  SOURCe:  Rugby club t-shirts

Vikings Team Minnesota Vikings Football Shirt

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The internet is as much a problem as it is a benefit.Countries with strong unions enjoy a much less bleak economic inequality situation than, say, Vikings Team Minnesota Vikings Football Shirt   the US. The environment tends to be much better too, so that's a plus. If only environmental destruction was limited by nation borders.I work in HR so I know everyone’s salary. This year for example top management and lower level managers all got massive salary increases of atleast 25% few days later the ceo sends an email to the rest of the company saying there are no bonuses or increases this year due to blah blah. I was so pissed as I know the truth. Companies are just not sharing their wealth around properly this culture is leading to huge inequality to middle class people. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Vikings Team Minnesota Vikings Football Shirt  SOURCE;   Rugby club t-shirts

New York Giants Eli Manning Jersey Signatures shirt

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  I dont know anyone that if they didnt know better wouldnt believe what he says in that video. That's very scary.The problem is that all of  New York Giants Eli Manning Jersey Signatures shirt his arguments are relatively easily disproven, but en masse they cannot be deconstructed without coming across as "long-winded". His debate tactics consist of simply vomiting half-baked points as fast as possible, and interrupting the response.That and the fact that he’s super weasely in setting up his arguments. He lays groundwork that lead to very obvious conclusions, but if someone tries to argue against these conclusions then he pulls the “well I didn’t explicitly say that” card so he can’t get pinned down. BUY THIS SHIRT:  New York Giants Eli Manning Jersey Signatures shirt  SOURCE:   Basketball club t-shirts

Vikings NFL Minnesota Vikings shirt

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  The pay is ok but the workload is definitely higher than most people want for 10+ years.Jeff Bezos is the currently highest ranked capitalist in the world. His workers are forced to pee in bottles because they're not allowed toilet breaks. Vikings NFL Minnesota Vikings shirt  Anyone who thinks this system is moral is delusional or malicious.Most companies have most of the real work done by contract or temp, part time employees. They work almost full time. Get zero benefits and pay is abysmal. How companies survive with this fuckery is interesting. How is this not illegal.The point of stock based compensation isn’t for PR, it’s to let a company pay its executives without having to use its free cash flow that it can invest in itself. Pretty much every company does this, BUY THIS SHIRT :  Vikings NFL Minnesota Vikings shirt SOURCE:  Basketball club t-shirts

Detroit Lions NFL Logo shirt

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And that focus on short term gains often results in massive layoffs. Wall St loves layoffs.Sort of agree. But I would rather see some reasonable amount of income excluded as tax free and all income/realized gains above that  Detroit Lions NFL Logo shirt taxed equally regardless of the source.Like, someone might have a compensation package negotiated as some number of options per year with a particular strike price. Suppose he had set it up as a 1 million options a year at a $1 strike price when the stock was $1. It's effectively zero compensation at the time of negotiation. If the stock price goes to $300, then it's $299M even though the terms of the contract didn't change, the value did.Except those layoffs had nothing to do with not having enough income. BUY THIS SHIRT : Detroit Lions NFL Logo shirt  SOURCE:  Basketball club t-shirts

NFL Dallas Cowboys Star Logo shirt

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They really do believe  NFL Dallas Cowboys Star Logo shirt being rich just makes you  better . Head to your golf game, Donnie. You  earned  it. Not like that Obama elitist who rose up from basically nothing during the civil rights era.That's NOT how stock compensation works though. Musk wasn't "paid" anything but his wage, $56,000, from Tesla. That's the amount that came directly from Tesla's operating revenue. Cutting his salary entirely would have  maybe  been able to keep one person.He is compensated mostly in stock options, which mean that he can choose to buy stock in the company at a predetermined rate and can sell it at a predetermined time. BUY THIS SHIRT:  NFL Dallas Cowboys Star Logo shirt  SOURCE :  Basketball club t-shirts

Baltimore Ravens 2019 AFC Champions the North is not enough shirt

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This is SO frustrating as a retail worker. People do not pay attention when they are waiting in line. I have to yell Sir/Ma'am/etc pretty often to get the next person's attention. So many dirty looks from women. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty young, and I'm  Baltimore Ravens 2019 AFC Champions the North is not enough shirt not going to call a woman who is clearly 20 years my senior "miss." It's just weird.As a teenager, I had offered an older gentleman (maybe this woman's age) my seat and he made some comments about him looking old. I  think  he was joking, but I was really uncomfortable and didn't know what to say.I genuinely didn't even think she was talking about herself until I read this comment - assumed there was an elderly person out of the range of the camera.No kidding. My daughter isn't even 20 but has all sorts of invisible issues with that would make it hard for her to stand on a bus or train, especially with the stop and go.

Baby Yoda Hug Pepsi shirt

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I'm 24 and have chronic back pain. I will dash straight for an open seat and grab it even if running hurts because I'm usually traveling nearly the full length of the line and sitting is important.I've had people get sassy and tell me to Baby Yoda Hug Pepsi shirt  give up my seat on a few occasions, even pointing out me dashing to get the seat. They don't ever seem to care that trying to balance myself on a moving train is way harder and more painful than running a few steps. Fibro is such a hard one for situations like these. People look at you like there’s nothing wrong with you as if you’re a liar and just want their seat. Even if you explain it they often don’t understand. I think London Transport provides badges (pins in American) that advertise the fact that you have an unstated condition that means you would prefer to travel seated. Also for pregnant women.i know you're joking, but that's why you always ask if people need help - don't just start h

Gerrit Cole 45 New York Yankees shirt

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That made me feel so angry because I only use the handicap bathrooms and other public disability supports when I need Gerrit Cole 45 New York Yankees shirt   them and she did that to public shame me in a way. I don't want to assume she's a bad person but that really hurt my feelings. The reality is, she doesn't know how much I suffer or that I've been disabled since birth. She'll never know but I hope one day she understands that not all disabled people "look" disabled.People have no idea about invisible illnesses. Everyone should remember they have no idea what kind of day someone has had, before trashing them.My partner’s father was terminally ill and got yelled at for not looking disabled enough to park in a handicap spot. I was yelled at for parking in a handicap spot and putting up the sign so I could run in and pick up my disabled grandmother in her wheelchair. I don’t know why these assholes feel like they are entitled to a stranger’s medical hi

Baby Yoda Hug Wawa Coffee shirt

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If anyone asked for Baby Yoda Hug Wawa Coffee shirt  a seat, I'd give it up without question. But I wouldn't think to just randomly assume that person was so old that they needed to sit.Why do people make such nasty assumptions? And if it was so important to her, why not ask? The women probably didn't notice or pay much attention until this lady decided to snap their photo.Most importantly - why should the world at large care about this woman at all? I do have a certain amount of empathy for strangers, but I'm not going to go and get all outraged about a slight inconvenience in the life of someone I'm never even going to lay eyes on.if you make an effort to appear younger by dying your hair in a trendy color and wearing makeup I'd be an asshole to assume you're an old person trying to look young instead of the spry chicken you air. and without a walking aid to clue me in, I think it would be entirely fair to let those people stand and not offer them a se

Baby Yoda Hug Ohio State Buckeyes shirt

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Also when my mother  Baby Yoda Hug Ohio State Buckeyes shirt and professor both had cancer, they looked quite alright for a while even they were also doing terribly. You never know what people are dealing with, and it helps no one to "out" to assume someone's physical condition, police them, and then ream them on the internet.You/we have no idea if the girl sitting down has an invisible disability or not. I speak from experience. I have dealt with this twice in the past two years....Being a seemingly healthy young individual in the visual sense, although I had to sit in the disabled section, and then was either ridiculed or accused of not having a disability. The first example is I had two concussions in 1 yr, both categorized as traumatic brain injuries, one resulting in a coma. Thus resulting in post concussion syndrome which takes 2-3 yrs to recover. Symptoms include severe: vertigo, dizziness/lightheadedness, headaches, insomnia, sensitivity to motion, light, over

Baby Yoda Baltimore Ravens Logo shirt

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Open the census of 1861 and you will find that the number of male landed proprietors of England and Wales has decreased from  Baby Yoda Baltimore Ravens Logo shirt 16,934 in 1851 to 15,066 in 1861, so that the concentration of land had grown in 10 years 11 per cent. If the concentration of the soil of the country in a few hands proceeds at the same rate, the land question will become singularly simplified, as it had become in the Roman Empire when Nero grinned at the discovery that half of the province of Africa was owned by six gentlemen.I'd heard about that dude but never heard him speak. He is dangerously good at being persuasive, no wonder so many people believe what he tells them, he presents it very well for an ignorant audience. BUY THIS SHIRT : Baby Yoda Baltimore Ravens Logo shirt  SOURCE:  Happy new year shirt

NFL Dallas Cowboys Logo Snoopy and Charlie Brown shirt

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Cut that shit out. Buy  NFL Dallas Cowboys Logo Snoopy and Charlie Brown shirt gAnd the extra money over $75k has had an effect on happiness in that we can afford nicer things, nicer vacations, nicer stuff for our hobbies, etc., but at this point in time the things that make us happier are getting MORE vacation or having a shorter commute. After around $100k time has become more valuable than the money.roceries and then buy a vacation in a year or pay off some debt. You'll be glad you did.Exactly, and the thing about moderately high income earners is that a lot of them went through a period of relative poverty (e.g., medical school, trying to get a business off the ground, etc.). BUY THIS SHIRT : NFL Dallas Cowboys Logo Snoopy and Charlie Brown shirt  SOURCE :  Happy new year shirt

LSU Tigers Logo Snoopy and Charlie Brown shirt

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  They are extremely lenient towards the right though, as we have seen for at least the past 20 years (the right wing militia thing seemed  LSU Tigers Logo Snoopy and Charlie Brown shirt to have really gained momentum in the 90s).The logical approach is massive protests and more protests (not one every few years on a Sunday for a few hours) among other grassroots peaceful options. If things turn really bad, then the situation changes and people react differently.This is why people talk about building class consciousness. Because enough people still have food to eat and a house to live in that they aren’t interested in shaking up the system. But if more people understood the injustice inherent in huge wealth disparity we could build a movement to bring the economy to its knees without having to fire a shot.They live in a different reality. BUY THIS SHIRT:  LSU Tigers Logo Snoopy and Charlie Brown shirt SOURCE:  Happy new year shirt

Baby Yoda Hug Indianapolis Colts Ball Logo shirt

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They'll be fine, with the Baby Yoda Hug Indianapolis Colts Ball Logo shirt  only exception being another bloody revolution. And I don't see that happening any time soon tbh. It'd be pretty cool if we could break that multi-millennia cycle and have a peaceful economic revolution for once.Citigroup analysts have also used the word plutonomy to describe economies "where economic growth is powered by and largely consumed by the wealthy few."[4] In three reports for super-rich Citigroup clients published in 2005 and 2006, a team of Citigroup analysts elaborated on their thesis that the share of the very rich in national income of plutonomies had become so large that what is going on in these economies and in their relation with other economies cannot be properly understood any more with reference to the average consumer. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Baby Yoda Hug Indianapolis Colts Ball Logo shirt SOURCE https://guineashirt.com/

Baby Yoda Hug Virginia Tech Ball Logo shirt

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They'd treat you like dirt. I think they would become all depressed for whatever reason and spend shitloads of money on useless . Baby Yoda Hug Virginia Tech Ball Logo shirt  shit just to feel a little better for a few days. For people like me it's like buying a new video game I don't need, just so I can distract myself. But for these people instead of video games it's new exotic cars, huge landscaping projects, etc.I've been a boy toy to some rich/professional hottie women and it was awesome. They need someone to show off at corporate events, client dinners, and provide personal service at night. I don't see why women have such a problem with it. BUY THIS SHIRT : Baby Yoda Hug Virginia Tech Ball Logo shirt  SOURCE:   Happy new year shirt

Baby Yoda Hug NC State Wolfpack Ball Logo shirt

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The internet is as much a Baby Yoda Hug NC State Wolfpack Ball Logo shirt  problem as it is a benefit.Countries with strong unions enjoy a much less bleak economic inequality situation than, say, the US. The environment tends to be much better too, so that's a plus. If only environmental destruction was limited by nation borders.I work in HR so I know everyone’s salary. This year for example top management and lower level managers all got massive salary increases of atleast 25% few days later the ceo sends an email to the rest of the company saying there are no bonuses or increases this year due to blah blah. I was so pissed as I know the truth. Companies are just not sharing their wealth around properly this culture is leading to huge inequality to middle class people. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Baby Yoda Hug NC State Wolfpack Ball Logo shirt SOURCE:  Happy new year shirt

Harry Styles fine line love on tour 2020 signature shirt

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  I dont know anyone that if they didnt know better wouldnt believe what he says in that video. That's very scary.The problem is that all of his Harry Styles fine line love on tour 2020 signature shirt  arguments are relatively easily disproven, but en masse they cannot be deconstructed without coming across as "long-winded". His debate tactics consist of simply vomiting half-baked points as fast as possible, and interrupting the response.That and the fact that he’s super weasely in setting up his arguments. He lays groundwork that lead to very obvious conclusions, but if someone tries to argue against these conclusions then he pulls the “well I didn’t explicitly say that” card so he can’t get pinned down. BUY THIS SHIRT: Harry Styles fine line love on tour 2020 signature shirt SOURCE:   Happy new year shirt

Donald Trump Rocks and Lincoln American flag veteran shirt

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  The pay is ok but the Donald Trump Rocks and Lincoln American flag veteran shirT  workload is definitely higher than most people want for 10+ years.Jeff Bezos is the currently highest ranked capitalist in the world. His workers are forced to pee in bottles because they're not allowed toilet breaks. Anyone who thinks this system is moral is delusional or malicious.Most companies have most of the real work done by contract or temp, part time employees. They work almost full time. Get zero benefits and pay is abysmal. How companies survive with this fuckery is interesting. How is this not illegal.The point of stock based compensation isn’t for PR, it’s to let a company pay its executives without having to use its free cash flow that it can invest in itself. Pretty much every company does this, BUY THIS SHIRT :  Donald Trump Rocks and Lincoln American flag veteran shirt SOURCE :  Happy new year shirt

New Orleans Saints Drew Brees Signature shirt Sweater

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Well, in my faith we eat the animal afterwards, but that's more of a 'waste not want not' thing (and in most cases, such as myself,  New Orleans Saints Drew Brees Signature shirt Sweater . an ethics thing. Most of us don't think it's ethical to kill an animal  just for religious purposes). The sacrifice is the purpose of the slaughter, so I don't know if it would be specifically protected without a religious exemption. And I know there are other religions where you're not supposed to consume the animal afterwards that most certainly wouldn't be protected. BUY THIS SHIRT:  New Orleans Saints Drew Brees Signature shirt Sweater SOURCE:  Festival t-shirts

New Orleans Saints Drew Brees shirt Sweater

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I’d like to add that A and B leaves open to interpretation what customary animal husbandry means. Because mistreatment of livestock isn’t customary by tradition farming standard. It’s only a practice by giant, inhumane corporate farms. It still leaves avenues for courts to declare these kinds of practices illegal.Edit: to clarify, when I  New Orleans Saints Drew Brees shirt Sweater say that certain religious activities would be covered under customary agricultural activities I'm referring to religious agricultural activities. That is things like Kosher or Halal slaughter, or maybe some Hindu preparation of food that I'm not aware of, or something like that. That is, it has a religious element, but at the end of the day it is still about agriculture, about food production of some kind. BUY THIS SHIRT:  New Orleans Saints Drew Brees shirt Sweater SOURCE: Festival t-shirts

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo Champion Signatures shirt Sweater

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I know now that there’s nothing shameful about only being able to afford New Balance shoes, and even less is shameful about finding the strength to make a change in your life. The cowards are those fragile and insecure enough that they  Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo Champion Signatures shirt Sweater need to put those who are turning things around down. Careful there young fella, I happen to be a balding middle aged man with chicken grease stains on my thrift store sweatpants lacing up my new balance dad editions. (but dammit, NO SWEATBANDS!)i'm a young man with a full head of hair but the rest of that isn't too far off from an accurate description of my exercise preparation and then how the exercise goes BUY THIS SHIRT:  Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo Champion Signatures shirt Sweater SOURCE:  Festival t-shirts

You’ll never Walk Alone Liverpool Football Club shirt Sweater

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Definitely wanna do one of those in the future! Just trying to figure out exactly what I'm going to be able to add to the conversation You’ll never Walk Alone Liverpool Football Club shirt Sweater , ; I don't want it to be too simple, nor too complex, and I'd like to come up with some tips that mealday preppers haven't heard of yet. Will definitely be coming soon! When I'm trying to be healthy, I appreciate that there's almost as many Dig Inn's as Starbucks nowadays - when I'm trying to sit down, I love Alvin Cailan's place The Usual (not just because he's my friend, it's legit awesome) - when I'm splurging, I hit Del PostoHah I didn't realize people would take that seriously/that I was such an amazing actor! That vat was actually bubbling from fermentation, and was room temperature - if it were actually boiling, I mighta lost that finger! BUY THIS SHIRT:  You’ll never Walk Alone Liverpool Football Club shirt Sweater SOURCE:  Fe

The Bowling Green Toledo football rivalry shirt Sweater

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Does it taste like soap to you? Coming from Mexico, it blew my mind when I learned that there are people who taste soap when eating cilantro. So I hate Cilantro (or Coriander as us Indians call it), but it never tasted like soap, just bad and especially in large quantities. My main gripe is how it significantly alters the taste of a dish. It is very overpowering. The Bowling Green Toledo football rivalry shirt Sweater Thats usually the "soap" like taste people are talking about. Basically its an astringent and overpowering flavor not necessarily literally tasting like soap. Thank you! Gotta be Alton Brown, J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, and the folks over at America's Test Kitchen - all huge minds and vast resources of cooking knowledge. BUY THIS SHIRT : The Bowling Green Toledo football rivalry shirt Sweater SOURCE:  Festival t-shirts

#9 Drew Brees 540 Nfl All-time Passing Td Record Signature shirt Sweater

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In a previous AMA done by the the late Anthony Bourdain, he said stated that one of his guilty pleasures is the Mac and Cheese served    #9 Drew Brees 540 Nfl All-time Passing Td Record Signature shirt Sweater at fast food restaurants. What is your guilty pleasure that would be considered a “faux pas” among the culinary community? Die: burgers that are too big to fit in your mouth, or even physically pick up. Over-the-top instagram foods that would make you hellaciously ill if you were to eat them (double-deep fried, cheese-stuffed, served on a mountain of tater tots etc). Rainbow bagels. BUY THIS SHIRT : #9 Drew Brees 540 Nfl All-time Passing Td Record Signature shirt Sweater SOURCE:  Festival t-shirts

Baltimore Ravens AFC North Division Champions 2019 shirt Sweater

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There were already over a dozen Republicans in the hearing. They just let them in and then threw a obviously fake tantrum about not  Baltimore Ravens AFC North Division Champions 2019 shirt Sweater being allowed in the hearing they were already in. What clowns. There are 49 Republicans serving on the three committees conducting the hearings. 13 of them participated in this stunt, even though they already have access to the hearings by virtue of their committee membership. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Baltimore Ravens AFC North Division Champions 2019 shirt Sweater SOURCE :   Festival t-shirts

Baltimore Ravens AFC North Division Champions Signatures 2019 shirt Sweater

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Also, by the way, Trump's attorney argued in court today (over individual#1's tax returns), that individual#1 can not be investigated under any circumstances, even if he shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue. They defended his right to not be investigated for any reason, even murder. Today. In America. Can Congress issue fines?  Baltimore Ravens AFC North Division Champions Signatures 2019 shirt Sweater The only thing Republicans listen to is money. Start fining 10K, 20K here out of their campaign funds for these illegal and egregious acts.Democrats are following perfect proper official impeachment proceedings perfectly and Republicans can't stand it. They are desperate for some short of chaos, even if they are the cause. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Baltimore Ravens AFC North Division Champions Signatures 2019 shirt Sweater SOPURCE:  Festival t-shirts

Kittle Over The Middle Football shirt sweater

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Yep; lots of government money got handed out in my city a few years ago, specifically to combat the housing problem.It end ended up all going to friends of officials who had construction companies, who sold it for a nice profit to investment groups who hold the property with obscene monthly rent, with the intent of selling it to different Kittle Over The Middle Football shirt sweater  investment groups after several years. No because the value of someones labour is tied to multiple factors, some of them beyond both the employers and employees control. You want peoples wages to increase? Deregulate which increases competition, increasing demand for the workforce. Or stop stealing a third of their income through taxes and increase their disposable income. BUY THIS SHIRT : Kittle Over The Middle Football shirt sweater SOURCE:  Happy new year shirt

Baby Yoda Hug Buffalo Bills shirt sweater

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My mother owns 12 small rental in the suburbs of Chicago (they are small apts in various buildings around her house). Her income is generally 30-60k per year depending on how much maintenance costs. I wouldn't say she works more than say  Baby Yoda Hug Buffalo Bills shirt sweater   4 hours a day dealing with them... often times there are weeks where there is nothing, but then during moving season she works herself to the bone, cleaning and painting.I am a big fan of AOC and most progressive policies, but my mom has been working hard, sweating and risking to build up her little empire, its taken 30 years to get these units and she's still lives a very frugal lifestyle.I think a lot of renters think their landlords take the entirety of their rent check as profit. The reality is the rent covers mortgage and maintenance. They might see a few hundred bucks profit at the end of the month but a year of that profit can get eaten up by one broken appliance or any of 100 things that ca

2019 Capital One Orange Bowl Go Hoos Virginia Cavaliers Logo shirt sweater

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I take great exception to any argument that advocates for deregulation. The law exists to tell the bad man what not to do. And the only reason we even have regulations is because our society has demonstrated that they can't help themselves in these specific situations. Hell, we live in a country where corporations don't even feel obligated to adhere  2019 Capital One Orange Bowl Go Hoos Virginia Cavaliers Logo shirt sweater to those regulations because the cost of violating them is less than the cost of complying. Regulation isn't an economic issue. It's a legal issue. If it increases overhead to follow the law then so fucking be it. I don't want to live in an apartment that's liable to burn down because the building owner can't be bothered to hire a competent electrician. That's fucking nonsense. I don't want to go back to a world where acid rain is a serious concern, and I think we can all agree on that. BUY THIS SHIRT:  2019 Capital One Orange

2019 Capital One Orange Bowl South Florida Stadium shirt sweater

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If anyone asked for a seat, I'd give it up without question. But I wouldn't think to just randomly assume that person was so old that they needed to sit.Why do people make such nasty assumptions? And if it was so important to her, why not ask? 2019 Capital One Orange Bowl South Florida Stadium shirt sweater  The women probably didn't notice or pay much attention until this lady decided to snap their photo.Most importantly - why should the world at large care about this woman at all? I do have a certain amount of empathy for strangers, but I'm not going to go and get all outraged about a slight inconvenience in the life of someone I'm never even going to lay eyes on.if you make an effort to appear younger by dying your hair in a trendy color and wearing makeup I'd be an asshole to assume you're an old person trying to look young instead of the spry chicken you air. and without a walking aid to clue me in, I think it would be entirely fair to let those peopl

Capital One Orange Bowl Florida Gators vs Virginia Cavaliers 2019 shirt sweater

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The sign behind them shows a pregnant person, someone with a baby and someone using a walking stick. Unless this lady has a walking stick or a baby in that other hand, she has no more right to sit there than they do. Either of them could be pregnant for all she knows. And despite all that, there’s clearly a spare seat. How does this ‘elder’ woman even know these girls are healthy??? I am young and would need these seats because of nervous  Capital One Orange Bowl Florida Gators vs Virginia Cavaliers 2019 shirt sweater   system damage that is invisible on the outside. This makes me so angry. This is ageist and I’m sick of it.In both instances I was required by doctors orders to be seated in the disabled section, daily on the bus from months to a yr. I received the stink eye, and a lot of criticism, aggression, and passive aggression, and even annoyance if I needed to sit in the disabled section. All in all, its ableist to assume that someone is healthy when they in fact may very well